Some of the Many Perspectives
There are many perspectives from which we can view the Moon.
There is the scientific perspective, there is the romantic, poetic, artistic
perspective, there is the cultural perspective, there is the anthropological perspective,
there is the perspective from folk lore (who has a special branch devoted to
all things lunar called ‘moon lore’)
and finally there is the esoteric perspective, which encompasses themes of an
esoteric and psychological nature.
Many Moons
There are really many Moons, that is there are as many Moons
as there are cultures, as each culture has their particular way of viewing the
To Study the Moon is in Some Way to Study Ourselves
There is an interesting point developing here, which is to
say: that by studying the Moon we are studying ourselves. By studying the moon
we are at the same time studying aspects of our cultures, myths, symbology’s,
concepts, beliefs, knowledge and science.
A Note on the Esoteric Perspective
The esoteric perspective of the Moon is essentially the view
of the Moon from the psychological, astrological, mystical and spiritual point
of view.
The esoteric view also studies some of the aspects that are
present in the conventional scientific viewpoint of the Moon and agrees with
them as it must, according to the principle or axiom: “that was is not physical
is not physical”.
Please note, the conventional scientific point of view
essentially presents the study of the Moon from a very physical, mathematical
and analytical perspective.