Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Five Stages of the Realisation According to V.M Samael Aun Weor - (68)


Recently we were listening to in class a recording on CD of an informal talk that master Samael gave. The talk has been given the title “Call to Order”.

Among many things Master Samael talked about in this talk are five very interesting states of the self-realisation. He does mention them in his books, however according to my knowledge what is in his books isn’t the same as what he says in this recording.

This post is about presenting what Master Samael said in that recording about eh five stages of self-realisation.

Five Stages

Master Samael says that there are five broad stages in the full unfolding of the self-realisation. They are:

1.       Creation of the Psychological Moon
2.       Creation of the Psychological Solar System (planetary man)
3.       Creation of the Psychological Sun (Solar Man)
4.       Creation of the Psychological Galaxy (Galactic Man)
5.       Creation of the Psychological Infinite (Infinite Man)

1. Creation of the Psychological Moon

The first thing that we have to create Master says is the psychological moon or the permanent centre of gravity. He says that to create this we have to dissolve (or at least work on them until they are very much weaker or consciously under control) jealousy, presumptuousness, pre-occupation, conceitedness etc.

The interesting thing is that all of these egos are to do with pride. This is because pride does not allow us to understand that our essence is our true identity, and if we do not understand that our essence is our true identity we can not apply really truly the non-identification with the ego, that is because we only know ourselves as the ego and so we do not have anything to contrast with.

Lunar Influence and the Psychological Moon

The Moon has a tremendous influence over our psychology and our psychology. The way to cure ourselves of this lunar influence which is engrained in our very psychological is by creating the psychological moon and the homeopathic remedy applies here where “like cures like”.

The psychological moon makes one immune to the influence of the Moon over our psychology. Our psychology is lunar in nature and so it very easily aligns or vibrates with the Moon. When we create the psychological moon we actually make the egos that are predominantly lunar to be isolated or satellited in our psychology, leaving our essence to be main feature or central point of our psychology. The lunar egos become like the Moon, that is a satellite and the essence becomes like the earth, the main feature, or feature that is in control of our psychological processes.

Seminal Pearl is not the Psychological Moon

The psychological moon is strictly not the seminal pearl. It could be though or it may not be, it all just depends.

If the seminal pearl is strong enough to isolate the ego then that is enough. If the seminal pearl is not strong enough to isolate the essence from the ego then it is not the psychological moon. Certainly though to create the psychological moon we have to dissolve parts of the egos that master Samael mentioned and other egos as well and in doing this we create the seminal pearl, because the seminal pearl is made up of the atoms of the essence freed from the ego. However, in some cases the seminal pearl may not contain enough essence to be able to effectively isolate the ego from the essence.

2. Creation of the Psychological Solar System

The creation of the psychological solar system is complete when we have created the solar bodies. That is the solar astral, mental and causal bodies.

If a person is a fallen bodhisattva that creation has been made and so what is needed still is to restore the psychological connection to these bodies and this done with the kundalini and the major initiations of the first mountain.

Planetary Man and Human Soul

One at this stage is also a planetary man, meaning that such a person can live in any planet of the solar system. This is earnt at the end of the first mountain, and it is when the human soul has been incarnated.

3. Creation of the Psychological Sun

This is completed in the years of Job (after the seventh year) where all the bodies are purified and covered in gold.

In the second mountain in the labours of Hercules the master also frees him or herself from the planets (remember each labour is about eliminating the egos related to the abyss of the various planets) and so passes beyond the planets to be ruled by the sun, which is also the Christ. In fact, at the end of the second mountain is where the Christ after His resurrection, is fully restored in the master.

4. Creation of the Psychological Galaxy

Perhaps in the third mountain or after is when the resurrected master creates the psychological galaxy.
This is very interesting because being psychological as in ‘psychological galaxy” the resurrected master has his or her processes inline with galactic perspectives and principles. One then has a galactic psychology or way of thinking.

5. Creation of the Psychological Infinite

Later on, after the creation of the psychological galaxy one has to create the psychological infinite. Meaning that all of one’s psychological processes, are in accordance with the principles, perspectives and laws of the infinite.

Once one has created the psychological infinite or has become an infinite man, one can enter the absolute or create another infinite within oneself and thus enter another infinite.

End (68).