Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Lunar Influence on the Human Subconscious (39)


This post comes from a web site article written by the SSRF that is the Spiritual Science Research Foundation. This foundation has many interesting articles on their website, all about the scientific investigation into various spiritual, mystical and metaphysical topics.

Summary of SSRF Investigation Results

In short, according to the SSRF the Moon does affect human behaviour, they say that the Moon has an effect on us both physically and subtlety, that is in or on our psychology.

Moon’s Vibrations

The SSRF says that the vibrations or frequencies of the Moon are of such a quality that they activate the impressions in the subconscious of human beings and animals.

The SSRF says that all planets and stars vibrate and therefore emit a certain very particular type of radiation. It so happens that the emissions of the Moon affect the subconscious part of our mind rather than the conscious part.

Effect of the Moon Emissions or Vibrations

The SSRF states that the impressions in the subconscious are agitated or energized by the emissions of the Moon. The emissions of the moon are of such a frequency that resonance occurs between these Moon emissions and the impressions in our subconscious.

This resonance effect makes the subconscious in the human beings and animals more active and so the impressions, memories, desires etc. in the subconscious begin to surface and enter the conscious mind we are bothered by these thoughts are impelled to act upon them, and as there are strange things in our subconscious, acting on those things means that we do crazy things, accounting for the crazy things that happen on a full moon night where the Moon’s emissions are the most intense because they are amplified by the energy of the Sun being reflected off the Moon heading towards us here on the Earth.


Therefore the effect of the Moon according to the SSRF is to make the subconscious of the human being more active. This effect is also said because the radiation coming from the moon is of higher intensity to be greater at or during the times of a full moon.

End (39).

Friday, 27 March 2015

Why Full Moon Effect Studies Today Fail (38)


Now days it is really hard to find scientific studies that conclude that the Moon has a definite effect on human behaviour. However in the past many studies did show the Moon to affect human behaviour. It was well known back then how the Moon would affect human behaviour. It was a widely accepted phenomenon. So the question arises why now days do all these studies show up nothing conclusive.

Reason Why

The reason why is that now days humanity is more degenerated and the overall or background level of human behaviour has gotten worse or stranger.

Meaning that he Moon’s effect is drowned out by the already high level of human degeneration. Back in the times where the moon effect studies were conclusive humanity was not as degenerated as it is now and so the effects on human behaviour would easily stand out during times of a full or new Moon.


Because everyone now days is more or less a little strange the effect of the Moon does not go noticed or only slightly noticed but not enough to make it conclusive.

End (38).

Moon and Human Mechanicity – From Rodney Collins (37)


I find the information that I am going to include in this post really extraordinary. It has for me anyway, helped to understand the effect of the moon on the human being and under what precise conditions this effect reaches its maximum. Hope you find the information in this post as interesting and impactful as I have found it.

Moon as the Cause of Mechanical Movement

Recapping from the previous post, the Moon influences liquids, including the liquids or fluids inside the human body and outside the human body. The Moon does not influence solids, minerals, gases or electricity, but it certainly influences liquids.

The Moon draws the liquids in our body towards it and the Earth draws those liquids down towards it, so at some point the liquids, being drawn down and up at the same time reach a stand still where those two forces cancel out leaving the fluids suspended. Because of this stand still effect on our liquids especially the lymph liquids, the human being has to move to get the lymph fluids to circulate through the lymphatic system in the body.

Therefore if we do not move physically and intentionally, we are impelled to move our body unintentionally that is automatically, in an unconscious and mechanical way. Therefore the Moon is the cause of our mechanical involuntary and unaware movements and can only really reach us when we are not conscious of what we are doing. The lunar influence strives in our not knowing and in our lack of conscious attention and self-observation. The Moon rules over the mechanicity and involuntary movements in the human being. 

Moon and Habits

We all create habits which are something that we have learnt or performed in the beginning for a good or bad reason. Later though the impulses to move go into the habits or patterns that we have previously created.

Habit is a large part of our life and so as the Moon is the one that produces the need for us to move involuntarily the Moon is behind the strength of many of our habits. Once again the Moon is there controlling our mechanical actions.

Habits form our Life and Chief Characteristics

Habits over time creep into our life and spread through it creating certain very identifying characteristics. Our chief weakness and our weaknesses in general are certainly habits.

Chief weakness is built on habit and habit is strengthened by involuntary action and involuntary action is built on pointless movement. This is all caused by the effect of the Moon on liquid matter.
Below is a section of text from Rodney Collins’ book “The Theory of Celestial Influence” where he gives an example of how a habit can become a chief weakness.

“A characteristic habit, gradually spreading into all sides of a man's life, in time becomes his chief weakness. For instance, a man has on the one hand a tendency to be shy, and on the other a tendency to be meticulous in the performance of small tasks. While still a boy he acquires the habit of wanting to finish what he is doing rather than meet other people. Gradually, it begins to seem right and inevitable to him to complete even the most trivial task before fulfilling an engagement. Later still, if there is no task to delay his meeting people, he invents one. And so in the end it happens that — quite literally - he never keeps an engagement.

Such a chief weakness may spoil a man's life, get him into endless trouble, prevent him from accomplishing everything that he attempts. And the curious thing is that to the man himself the weakness may remain quite unknown and invisible. For to him each instance will seem separate and inevitable, and it will never occur to him that he could act in any other way.
Chief weakness is thus built on habit, habit on involuntary action, and involuntary action on pointless movement. And the primary cause of this whole sequence is the apparently innocent influence of the Moon upon liquid matter. It is for this reason that the path of conscious development is sometimes described as 'escape from the power of the Moon'.”

Escape from the Power of the Moon

When we attempt to become conscious we will at some point become conscious of all of our involuntary actions and habits and general mechanicity, whose cause is produced in us by the Moon. Therefore to escape or free ourselves from our mechanicity we end up starting to escape from the power of the Moon over us. Because it is the Moon that is a large contributor to our mechanicity and so that is why it is said that when we try to awaken or that is become more conscious it is said that we are trying to escape from the power of the Moon.

Lunar Influence Will Always be there where there are Liquids

As long as we are liquid we will move impelled by the Moon. If we were all solid or all energy we would be free from the influence of the Moon. We can not change our liquid nature though we can change our centre of gravity so that we are more based I our aerial, solid and etheric levels, which do not function based on liquids.

Change our Centre of Gravity

One way to escape the influence of the Moon is to base our centre of gravity in our consciousness and in the heart, because concentrating on these two elements which are not liquid but electric in nature take us away from the effects of the Moon.


The Greek legend said the Endymion (humanity) was put to sleep by the Luna or Selene (the Moon) but Pan was totally in love with her . That is nature, the animals, plants and minerals are all under Her (the Mon’s) influence and control exerting them to move involuntarily. However humanity is under her control with Her the Moon inducing in us all sorts of mechanicity, however if the human being decides to wake up, that is to become conscious that human being will stop being controlled by the Moon and will then not be Hers, i.e. free of Her. Image below is of the Goddess Luna.

The Legend states that Luna or Selene was in love with Endymion but not the other way around. This means that the Moon has grasped us, because liquids are part of our nature, we were created that way, and we have not grasped the Moon. To keep us the Moon has put us to sleep, i.e. induced in us a certain mechanical nature.

End (37).

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Moon Influence on Human Movement – From Rodney Collins (36)


The human body, it is said, averages out to have about 65% water content by weight. This number varies greatly by age, sex, weight and health, though it is still quiet high. Meaning that if there is something that can influence water that same something can influence the human body due to the relatively high amount of water in the body.

General Effect of Moon on Water

Generally speaking, picking up from previous posts, namely posts 25, 26 and 27 the role of the Moon is draw the fluids present on the Earth towards it. If the Moon were not there these fluids would be sucked flat towards the surface of the Earth. So the Moon acts as a counterweight keeping the fluids present on the Earth suspended somewhat rather than being drawn flat to the ground.

The Two Fluid Systems in the Human Body

There are two major fluid circulation systems in the human body. They are the blood circulation and the lymph circulation systems. The blood circulation system is powered by the heart which in esotericism is ruled by the Sun, and in many ways esotericism considers the heart to be the Sun within the microcosmos of the human being.

The heart pumping blood around the body keeps the blood immune from the pulling down effect of the Earth’s gravity and the pulling up effect of the Moon. The lymph system does not have a pump making it vulnerable to the influence of the Earth’s and the Moon’s pulls.

Lymph System

The only way that lymph can circulate through the lymph system is by muscular or bodily movement. The Moon’s effect suspends the lymph within the various capillaries of the lymph system not allowing the lymph to be pulled downwards by the Earth’s gravity. In effect the Moon keeps the lymph immobile or stagnant. If the Moon were not present the lymph would constantly glow downwards.

To remove all the toxins in the lymph the lymph must circulate. If there is no movement of the body for a long time the body’s muscles become irritated impelling the body to move. Then because of the Moon’s effect we have to move to get the lymph circulating. Therefore we can say that the Moon induces movement in the human being.

Human Movement

The human being must move, because of the effect of the Moon on suspending in the lymph in a motionless state.

If we move intentionally then we channel the influence of the Moon in a very positive and productive way. Our life is the combination of the planetary influences, when we combine movement from the Moon with other planetary influences in the activities of life we are acting in harmony and in balance. We break the balance when we just move by the influence of eth Moon which because it does not have any other planetary accompaniment it is devoid of purpose and is therefore mechanical.

Lazy People

People who do not move much such as lazy people, are very prone to this influence of the Moon. Such people if we observe them, we will find that they are always moving and are never still. They are impelled to move so to make the lymph circulate in our body. In effect they move according to the Moon or in other words the Moon makes them to move.


Our mechanical movements and gesture and facial expressions are all motivated by the Moon.

End (36).

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

The Lunar Half True Characteristic (35)


Before I delve into the topic of this blog post, I want to emphasise that the lunar force is a real force that does indeed exist in creation and is definitely needed in, and for certain aspects of creation.

However, for that force to be operating outside of its orbit or to be superimposed onto something that does not have a lunar nature it becomes harmful, especially if in our psychology the lunar force becomes the dominant factor. To have a lunar psychology is to bring a lot of conflict, friction, opposition and resistance into our lives and into the relationships between ourselves and others. We need to have the solar force in control and directing the lunar force just as it is done in the solar system.


A good example is what Master Samael says, about the mind in that it should have a lunar nature, that is, it should have or actually originally did have a lunar nature that was characterised by being feminie or receptive. However, in this time and age the mind is far from quiet and receptive, it is fully active, generating, elaborating and projecting thoughts all day long.

Some things are meant to be lunar as in the case of the mind, and so what is lunar in nature definitely does have a place in creation. But the important point is that the lunar force has to be governed or balanced by a solar force, which in the case of the mind, is the essence or the consciousness. The essence being solar balances and governs the mind, the mind then becomes an instrument of the solar force or the essence or consciousness. Our problem is that the lunar force is in control and subdues our solar force, in practical terms the ego in the mind eclipses our consciousness where instead of our life being guided by the instructions of the consciousness received by the mind, the ego (lunar) in mind guides our life, making us completely dominated by lunar elements, devoid of the solar. This lack of balance is a major cause of many of our physical, psychological and esoteric problems.

Half True

The Lunar force operates on half-truths or on relative truths.

The way the lunar forces exist is partly false partly true. For a lunar force to exist there has to be a solar force, if there is no solar force there cannot be any lunar force. It does not have a reality on its own, that is, a reality being generated by itself and from itself.

Solar is True

Typically the lunar forces operate relative to something or depending upon something and quite often this relative operation takes the form of resistance - usually a resistance to reality. The reason why this is, is because the lunar force has certain dependencies or rigid interests that it needs to receive to continue as it is, but the solar force is different in that it does not have these needs. The solar force on the other hand, cooperates with reality and does not resist but unifies with reality.

Lunar Creates Separation

When the lunar force operates it can create and when it does the lunar force creates separability, while the solar creates unity and for that reason it is true, because it is joined with reality.

What is lunar creates conflict and friction, because what is lunar is rigid, fixed and separate but very importantly it is not an independent individual. IT takes from others for itself and this is what creates friction.

For the lunar force to maintain its separate existence it has to create certain structures and these structures are counterfeit or false, just as Pistis Sophia calls the ego the counterfeit spirit. These structures appear real and do everything that the real one should do, however whatever they do is done against others and in the interests for itself.

Those lunar forces which are real, create however, things in us that are false, such as the false personality. The false personality in Gnosis is lunar, because it is very partly true and it is only a very limited part of our reality and comparing to what we really are, it is false.


The false personality creates resistance because it is limited and selfish, it is like a capsule. Just as is the Moon it is a capsule really, a capsule of its own interests. The Sun on the other hand is an expanse of light. The Moon does not give but it only remains in its selfish capsule but the sun gives and is not limited to its self-interests. Making all the creations or consequences of the Moon or Lunar force partly true and partly false creations, or in other words unbalanced creations, because they do not take into account the solar.

Anyhow the ego’s statements, reasoning, thoughts, claims etc. are only always have true because they come from a lunar element (the ego) and the chief characteristic of the Moon is its one sidedness, separateness and self-interest. It only sees things in its benefit making it partly true and partly false. Solar is true because it tales both sides into account.

End (35).

Lunar Characteristics in Our Psychology – List 2 (34)


This post continues on from the post where the aim was to lay down a skeleton or outline for the next several posts which are to be dedicated to explaining in detail, each characteristic of the Moon that is present in our psychology.

The List Continues…

The Solar Force Organises

The Solar forces organise things, for example planets are organised around the sun and this organisation forms a solar system, which is an entity to itself and has a life as a unique system. Master Samael says that the solar system is like a giant man walking through space.

In other words, the Sun organises and centralises and in so doing creates a harmonious system, the Lunar forces on the other hand do not do that and furthermore do not have the power to do that.

If we observe the behaviour of Moons, we will see that they do not revolve around other moons, moons are very dependent yet isolated or we could say individualistic and selfish, whereas the sun works in co-operation and in collaboration with all the planets in the solar system and all the other suns etc. in the cosmos. For example, take the central sun Sirius, it revolves around a greater central Sun and it organises many solar systems and therefore planets to revolve also revolve around Sirius.

The Solar forces are an organising and a centralising force, that produces and creates harmony among all the other planets or heavenly bodies. The Moon does not do that and does not have the power to do it. It is only out for itself.

The Sun is Interested in Our Self-Realisation

Master Samael spoke about the Sun being interested in the self-realisation of the human being on the planet Earth. Master Samael said that the sun is interested in creating solar men, that is men who have fabricated the solar bodies and incarnated the solar principles. This is in stark contrast to the wish of the Moon or the lunar forces, they wish for humanity to obey the mechanical cycles of creation.

The lunar forces are not interested in the human being becoming more conscious and reaching realisation because if that were to happen there would be less creatures for the Moon or the Lunar forces to govern. The Moon is interested in keeping the human being fascinated and asleep so that it can have life can continue on the planet.


This current human being or race of human beings living on the planet earth has been called many times in the Gnostic teachings a lunar humanity, meaning a mechanical humanity, a humanity void of the awakened consciousness - a humanity with a sleeping consciousness.

This mechanicity has been given to us by the Moon. Being mechanical we are not going to change or reinvent ourselves, we are basically going to stay as we are. Well even in life people have the tendency to get worse as time goes by, for instance, old people can become balder in the expressions of their egos and they can even justify the ego being in their human machine

The Sun also has the power to provide us with all that we need for life and the self-realisation, the Moon on the other hand does not create anything nor provide anything for us that we need.

Selfish & Parasitic

I can do but you can not, and we do to others what we don’t like being done to us. This is a typical lunar characteristic of our psychology. It does not take others into account and it does give others the same rights that it gives to itself, which is a strange thing because in reality we all have the same rights. This is an illusion produced by the lunar nature.

The examples given above are typical of selfishness and are very typical of the lunar nature. As we have mentioned before, the Moon is by itself and only attaches itself to a larger planet so to take of the planet’s forces, and to take advantage of the light it receives from the sun of the solar system it belongs to. It is true that a moon can receive the light of a sun being somewhere close to it in space, but attaching itself to a planet in a solar system allows it to receive great quantities of continuous light without the possibility of it clashing with the other planets in a solar system.

Furthermore we often think we are the only ones who are right, that we have more experience etc. This is all because of the lunar nature that we have in our psychology, all because the Moon is selfish. It only takes for itself and unlike the sun it does not give anything to the other planets in the solar system, all that it does is not get in their way, which is does out of its own interests to survive.

Destiny of the Lunar

In Gnosis there are what is called lunar entities, that is human beings or creatures that are lunar in nature. Their destiny is very sadly the abyss or the infernal regions of nature where the lunar psychological elements that they have are dissolved or broken down by nature.

On the other hand, there in Gnosis are the solar entities and their destiny is entirely different. The destiny of the solar entities which are human beings and creatures of a solar nature are the heavens or the superior worlds or dimensions of nature.

This difference is all because of the inherent nature of the two natures. The Moon is not freedom, it is control and imprisonment, whereas the sun is freedom and expansion. Also the ego which is of a lunar nature becomes polarised with evil (note, some egos are positive and some are negative) and so nature has to stop somehow the expansion of these egos polarised with evil, so the creator created the infernal worlds, whose sole purpose of existing is to break down these egos polarised with evil and also the good egos.

The Sun is also an expression of the spiritual and Christic force in the Universe, so as the Sun has a spiritual nature, being of this nature (i.e. having a solar nature) has to take one toward a spiritual destiny or finality.


The effect of the Moon on the Earth is to set the rhythm of life. As a planetary body it in fact stabilises the earth’s rotation and axis of rotation. So the Lunar force exerts a certain controlling force over the Earth and the life on it.

These aspect of the lunar force is prominent in the human personality and also in the various psychological I’s that the human being carries within its psyche. All the egos and eh personalities like to control things, especially the events in a given environment, people, conversations, outcomes all because of the selfish vested interests of the egos. If the interests where like the interests fo the Sun, that is for everyone this aspect of controlling would be immediately dissolved.

In conclusion here, the Lunar forces are controlling because they are selfish. The controlling aspect protects or ensures the lunar element (the ego or personality) in us continues to receive the fulfilment of its desires or desire.


The Moon is highly relative, it in fact only exists as a Moon because of its relation to the planet Earth. If there were no planet Earth then there would be no Moon as we know it today. In general, a moon is always related to or dependent upon another planet. A moon in fact is defined as a heavenly body depending on the planet it is attached to.

So it is very easy to see how the ego in us, which is something lunar, takes the events of life, including the words of others, the actions of others etc. in a relative way, which is, to take things as if they are or were for me, when they may well not be meant for us.

The lunar force is a real authentic legitimate value in the cosmos, however it is conditioned by relativity and duality, and exists relative to other values and forces.

Does not sacrifice

The Sun sacrifices itself continuously so as to give and maintain life in the solar system. In fact as Master Samael describes, the Sun use to be autoegocratic, meaning that it would only give. However, a need arose that the autoegocratic nature of the Sun had to be modified, and it was modified to the nature that included both giving and receiving, thus it became trogoautoegocratic. This had to happen as Master Samael says because the Sacred Absolute Sun was in danger of being extinguished.

The Sun gives and also receives, and this is the basis of the transmutation. The Sun receives what it gives, but what it is received is a higher octave version of what the sun initially gave. The Moon on the other hand does not give of itself much less sacrifice itself for anything.

The Sun’s sacrifice return energy to it at a higher octave that maintains it in its sacrifice for the life of the Solar System. The Moon does not sacrifice anything because it does not need to it is not in its nature, it would only need to sacrifice something it was to give something. But we know from earlier sections that it does not give it only takes.

This is so easy to see in psychology as well we only like to receive or take the easy way out. It is difficult for us to sacrifice and we rarely do. In fact normal life does not require any sacrifices from us and that is why normal life does not lead us into the vertical where the development of the level of Being or the vertical line of life is to be found. So we can say that the lunar is not vertical but solar is.


Our false personality is currently the human being’s centre of gravity, and furthermore this centre of gravity is qualified in Gnosis as a lunar device. We need really our centre of gravity to be the essence, the consciousness, the Being. But unfortunately it is the terrestrial human personality that is our centre of gravity, leaving our consciousness to be totally displaced. This can be easily proved, by simply by looking at the way we perceive ourselves. We typically see ourselves as a human being, from Europe, Australia, America etc. who has this and that age, this or that type of upbringing, this or that degree of intelligence etc. In other words we only see ourselves as personality; it is very rare to find someone that sees him or herself as an essence or as consciousness. The reason why we fear death and suffer so bitterly for those that die, is because we see them as a personality and not as an essence or a soul or consciousness. How do you see yourself?

Originally the Kundabuffer was given to humanity to make the physical more important in people, to sort of like bottle the consciousness of people into the physical senses, that is to be bottled into the sensations from the physical senses and into the perceptions and concepts of the physical world.

Part of the reason why the very ancient Lumurians were given the kundabuffer organ was because they did not want to live in the physical plane, they wanted to remain as immortal in the fourth dimension of nature. However, for the Earth to complete is movement or condensation rather into the physical dimension all life on the Earth had to become immersed into the third dimension. When the human layer of life on the Earth was not going to co-operate with this something was needed to help them to co-operate with the process of creation. This something special was the kundabuffer organ, that essentially lead to the consciousness of the very ancient human beings being bottled into the relativity and duality of the third dimension and of course the third dimension as well.

The problem is that the lunar personality in us is a false one. It is not one that is authentic and unique to our inner reality. For example, there are so many people name John Smith and we thinking that we are the personality, we think that we are our name, but of course we are not our name. Many people are asked the question: “Who are you?” and they always answer giving their name, but that in depth is not really who they are.

What we have to do is to make the ego a moon in our psychology, that is something, which is separated from our consciousness, leaving the consciousness to govern our psychological processes  inside us, just as the Sun is the governing principle in the solar system. So, in the end we have to organise our psyche’s general structure to resemble that of the solar system.

There is one very important characteristic of the lunar force, and it is that it creates a false alternative or a double that is false. Just like the Moon doubles for the sun at night, but it is not a sun, it is a false sun or a night time sun. But the thing is, it borrows from the sun and does not radiate of itself because it does not have a living reality to radiate out. So the false personality is the same in that it is a false double for our real or true identity which is the consciousness and the Being.

Lunar psychology is based on the false personality or our centre of gravity being in the personality, and how to best serve its interests. And as is the opposite the solar psychology is based on the essence being the centre of gravity, and the consciousness also being our centre of gravity.

Another point here to compliment the title given to this sub-section is that the ego like the moon is half true, all the reasons and arguments of the ego are always partly true on one side and on the other side, partly unfair or simply not true. Just as the Moon, the Moon is true in that is by itself a real heavenly body but its life or existence is dependent on other factors. What is true always remains, the Moon will if something happens to the Earth, not be a Moon but just a round, grey and cratered heavenly body floating in space.


Our behaviour is governed considerably by the state of our sexual waters. When our sexual waters rise for example, this simple event greatly influences our behaviour. We are more excitable and agitated and are more lustful.

It is very easy to find in life, that this increase in energy can be taken by the ego of lust. These energies should really be taken by the function of transmutation or the part of the Being called Peter.


In summary we have examined the following lunar characteristics of our psyche:

•Not an organising force, •no interest in self-realisation, •mechanical, •selfish and parasitic, •abysmal destiny, •controlling, •relativity, •no sacrifice • half true and •influences the waters and life of the Earth.

In conclusion, we can clearly say that a large majority of the characteristics of our psyche are also the characteristics of the egos that we have and they in turn are characteristics that are shared with the Moon. With the Moon being a manifestation of a lunar force in the cosmos we can state without doubt that our psychology (with the ego) is Lunar. If we are to remove the ego our psychology would change to that of the nature of the essence which is solar.

End (34).

Lunar Characteristics in Our Psychology – List 1 (33)


The goal of this post is to lay down a skeleton or outline for the next several posts. The plan is to dedicate a post to each characteristic of the Moon that is present in our psychology.

The List


The moon as observed from the Earth appears differently each night, i.e. phases of the Moon. Our psychology too constantly changes, where our psychological processes are ruled by constantly changing egos.

Cyclical or Recurrent

The moon as observed from the Earth, has phases which repeat in a cyclical fashion, i.e. each phase of the moon is reoccurring or recurrent. The ego too is recurrent in manifestation; it grows in intensity and later wanes in intensity etc.

Two Sides – Light and Dark

As seen from the Earth, only one side of the Moon is only ever visible. There is though the other side of the Moon called the dark side of the Moon that is present but goes unseen by us here on Earth. Our psychology is like that too, in that there is a visible side and an invisible side, the conscious part that we are aware of and the subconscious part that we are mostly not aware of. Just as the dark side of the Moon is the more important side geologically and geographically speaking for the Moon our subconscious is the more important part as it really drives us and contains much of the memories and reasons that shape our life’s actions.

We can do something say for example get angry, but someone else can not do the same thing and get angry, what’s more we do to others what we don’t like being done to us. In the nature of the ego is to be the only one, and this factor of selfishness creates conflict, friction, resistance and opposition with others.

Only Takes or Receives

This point is easy to see especially if we contrast the Moon with the Sun. We see that the sun is the one which radiates energy and life towards us, whereas on the other hand the moon does not radiate any sort of an energy towards us, rather it draws or pulls on the Earth. A very direct effect of this characteristic, are the tides. Our psychology is very much like this and so are many of the egos. The egos are content to just take or receive. The ego is the one in us that enjoys taking and dislikes receiving but the essence in us is the one that enjoys giving.

The ego is very biased towards acting only for its own benefit. The Sun is most definitely not like that at all. This is a characteristic very common to the ego in general. This characteristic is inherent in the nature of the ego.

Blocks the Sun

There exists the phenomena of a solar eclipse where the moon happens to block out the sun either totally or partially and for a few minutes darkness descends over the Earth, where there should be the full light of day.

The ego too is like a moon where it happens to block the light coming from the Being or the consciousness to our mind and essence. Because we have the ego too active in our mind, the voice that we think with drowns out the voice of silence which is the illuminating voice of the consciousness and or our own divine Being.

Reflects or Projects

The reason why see the moon, is because light from the Sun hits the Moon and then reflects off the surface of the Moon, to then enter our eyes here on Earth. A large part of the sun’s radiation (light) is absorbed by the Moon and only the wavelengths of light corresponding to the colour or spectral characteristics of the Moon are reflected.

The Moon is like a subjective mirror, it absorbs nearly all the wavelengths of light and reflects the wavelengths of light that correspond to its nature. The light that the Moon reflects is subjective and conditioned to its own nature whereas the light from the Sun is of a much greater spectrum and as the Sun does not reflect light, the light that it projects represents its full and true nature. It gives of itself purely, the Moon on the other hand takes what it is not from the sun and projects that to the cosmos.

The light from the Moon is the sun’s light (of the sun’ nature) but conditioned by the nature of the Moon. So the Moon as does the ego, imposes or projects its own characteristics onto things. Also what it projects is very limited, it is actually mechanical just as is the Moon it is very bland dead.

The ego does that so often, it is always projecting its reality onto others and onto life, or it makes assumptions according to it’s own reality which often leads us to make so many mistakes and misjudgements.

Exerts its Primary Influence Over the Liquids of the Earth

The chief element by which the Moon influences us is water. There is much water on the Earth and there is much water inside of ourselves, so the Moon’s influence on us therefore is great.

We know from very tangible age old observations that the Moon is the one that produces the tides in the Earth’s oceans and seas, and if the Moon can exert such a great influence over the Earth’s waters it can influence the water or liquids inside our body, especially when it comes to the liquids that flow through the minute capillaries in our body. This is very noticeable in the times of the full Moon when the Moon’s influence is at its strongest. On a full Moon we often feel very excitable and energetic because of the effect of the fluids and liquids in our body being energised and drawn up.

A very important fluid in our body is the sexual fluid. The Moon as it does all waters influences this as well. As the sexual fluids in our body are very energetically charged, any agitation or excitement of these fluids has a very marked influence on the behaviour of the human being.

With the sexual fluids being agitated, the human being is impulse to engage in the act of procreation and so this way the Moon controls or influences conception and procreation of all living things on the planet Earth.

Unfortunately in the human being there is a psychological element called lust, which has come to be the one responsible for managing the sexual activities in the human being. So when the sexual fluids in the human being are excited the ego of lust takes this excited energy and channels it to be used for the fulfilment of its own purposes or conditionings.

There is a strong relationship therefore between the Moon and our sexual energy and the ego of lust. It is also worth noting here that lust is a large part of our psychology and is behind so many of our actions, and because lust and the Moon are related through our sexual waters this once again confirms the teaching that our psychology is lunar.

It is very interesting to note that the Sun does not have that relationship with the lust or the sexual waters. We say in Gnosis that the seed of eh solar human being is in the sexual energy, but for that seed to influence us it has to be extracted out of the sexual energy via a procedure called transmutation. Subsequent posts will deal with this subject of transmutation.

Lust was also the cause of the fall of the human being, the lunar forces can make us to fall spiritually but the solar forces do not do that.


In summary we have examined the following lunar characteristics of our psyche:

•Changeable, •cyclical, •two sided, •large bias toward receiving, •blocks the Sun, •projects and •influences the waters and life of the Earth.

In conclusion, we can clearly say that a large majority of the characteristics of our psyche are also the characteristics of the egos that we have and they in turn are characteristics that are shared with the Moon. With the Moon being a manifestation of a lunar force in the cosmos we can state without doubt that our psychology (with the ego) is Lunar. If we are to remove the ego our psychology would change to that of the nature of the essence which is solar.

End (33).

Lunar is an Esoteric Qualification (32)

Esoteric Qualification

The main reason of this post is to say that lunar and solar do not really mean much in the conventional sense. For example the adjectives lunar and solar conventionally mean: “of or to do with the physical Moon” (lunar) and “of or to do with the physical Sun” (solar), such as: lunar rock samples, lunar eclipses, lunar landings, the lunar calendar, solar eclipses, the solar calendar, solar flares and solar panels.

The previous posts and future posts that have used the terms lunar and solar were used from the esoteric point of view, that is speaking esoterically, where the terms lunar and solar encompass not only the physical Moon and Sun but all the physical moons and suns, the lunar and solar representations inside the psychology and esoteric (spiritual) constitution or structure of the human being.


In short, the terms lunar and solar really only take on a deeper and broader meaning when viewed esoterically, instead of just physically. In previous posts and in future posts the terms lunar and solar are essentially used in the esoteric as esoteric qualifications, that encompass the physical, the psychological and the esoteric .

End (32).

Lunar Characteristics (31)


In this post we are going to look at some of the characteristics of the lunar force and see if we have them inside of ourselves basically in our psychology.

We too can have lunar characteristics in our physical and esoteric dimensions or realities but the place that it is more useful and manifest to look into, is in our psychology.

Lunar Characteristics – Observation of the Moon

In a series of posts that are to follow, I am going to expand upon lunar characteristics that we have within our psychology, and that which can also be seen very clearly among the characteristics of our Moon and the moons of the other planets.

Ideal Way of Discerning Lunar Characteristics

The ideal way of discerning lunar characteristics would be to examine directly and clearly for oneself the lunar cosmic forces. Even better would be to directly see them in action. However, being very limited in our capacity of just viewing let alone examining cosmic phenomena we have to first of all restrict ourselves to the physically and psychologically observable.

Because our Moon and the moons of the other planets are actually a representation (a physical representation) of the lunar forces of creation we can make our Moon an object of study so to be able to discern some of the lunar characteristics that our Moon and our psychology have in common.


Our Moon is a representation of the lunar forces or of a lunar force, and so it is valid to use it to discern what actually does characterise a lunar force.

Once we find some of these characteristics we can search within our psychology to see if we have them. According to what was stated in previous posts the ego is lunar and because the ego makes up most of our psychology we therefore have a lunar psychology and by rights we should therefore find the same characteristics. But we will be careful and not go too far, trying too hard to find characteristics of our Moon that are not really present in our psychology.

End (31).

The Ego is Lunar (30)


Master Samael and Gurdjieff all affirm that the origin of the ego resides in having been given the kundabuffer organ. Master Samael also says that the kundabufffer organ was an entirely lunar organ, and when it got removed the result was that the consequences of having the kundabuffer organ left its toll on the psyche of those who had it. The consequences of having a lunar organ was what gave rise to the ego.

The Ego is Really Lunar

Because the kundabuffer organ was lunar its consequences were derived by a lunar force, so at the very least the ego that we have is much more related to the lunar force than the solar force. We can even dare to say that the ego is something lunar.

Study the Lunar Characteristics

Studying the characteristics of the lunar force will lead us to a better understanding of the ego. Also studying the characteristics of the solar force will help us to understand the more about the ego because studying the solar characteristics is the same studying what the ego is not.


The ego is lunar because the organ that was given to us in a very remote and ancient humanity was a lunar organ that had the function of channelling and directing/transmitting lunar forces to the earth. The ego that we have is predominantly lunar and therefore studying the characteristics of the lunar forces gives us a better understanding of the ego and may even lead us to discover new elements about the ego.

End (30).

Lunar and Solar as Cosmic Forces (29)


Master Samael says something so very interesting with respect to this topic, and it is that the lunar forces are needed for every creation. He says that no creation can take place without the intervention of the lunar forces.

Especially if we have the understanding, unfortunately a superficial understanding, that the lunar forces are bad, the above statement from Master Samael will come as a surprise or even a shock. Because of this understanding, we will end up being confused, because we will be thinking that if the lunar forces are bad how could they be used in and even needed for creation.

Lunar Forces are Support Gestation and Conception

We certainly know that human beings, animals, plants etc. all grow with the help of sunlight but their conception and gestation is a different. The conception and gestation of life is something that occurs in darkness without the presence of the sun.

Solar Forces are Against Gestation and Conception

Master Samael also says that the sun is against the generation, gestation and beginning stages of life, and that is true, nothing gestates in full daylight, all the creatures are incubated or gestated in darkness either inside an egg or in the womb of their mother. The same applies to conception, where the sperm and the ova meet in darkness.

So then, the lunar forces nurture and cause the birth and development of any creation to occur. Whereas that is not the function of the Sun, the Sun has other functions in the stages of a creature life.

Metallic Planets of Alchemy

We can see the above two sections reflected quite clearly in the lecture that Master Samael gave regarding the Metallic Planets of Alchemy.

In the first seven years the human being is under the influence of the Moon. Whereas it is only much later in life, the human being comes under the rule or influence of the sun.


The lunar force is not evil, it is a real cosmic force that we would not be here without it. The lunar and solar forces are ever present forces in the cosmos and they are represented by our Sun and our Moon and in so many ways the characteristics of our physical Sun Ors, represents the qualities and characteristics of the solar forces. The same may be said about our physical Moon (Selene) that is a representation of the qualities and characteristics of the cosmic lunar force.

End (29).

Lunar and Solar – an Introduction (28)


I would like in a series of posts to address the meaning of the terms Lunar and Solar. These two terms appear very often in one’s studies of esotericism and Gnosis, and in fact looking at these terms from a deeper or more profound perspective we find them at the foundation of any esoteric doctrine.

As a Gnostic student without conducting an investigation into the meaning of these two terms, one’s understanding can remain superficial and because of this superficial understanding one easily at times gets confused or blank minded when these terms lunar and solar are mentioned in relation to the ego, humanity, human psychology, human beings, cosmic forces etc. etc.

Superficial Understanding

We typically think that lunar is related to the moon and solar is related to the sun. In esotericism and especially in Gnosis that is true, but only to a certain extent. Sometimes we can understand the terms lunar and solar when they are mentioned in any esoteric or Gnostic text by remembering some the characteristics of the moon and the sun, but sometimes remembering the sun and the moon just doesn’t help.

Another superficial understanding that we can develop especially in Gnosis, is that Lunar equals bad and solar equals good. This comes about because we know that the essence which is freedom from pain and suffering is solar and the ego which is the cause of so much of our pain and suffering is lunar.

Another superficial understanding is to say that solar is masculine and lunar is feminine or that lunar and solar are the ying and the yang, and even though this is true there is still much more to it.

Another superficial understanding is to say that lunar is silver and solar is gold, and even though this is true there is still much more to understand. This understanding was portrayed prolifically amongst the plaques and writings of the medieval Alchemists.

A Better Understanding

A better or deeper understanding of lunar and solar, is to understand lunar and solar as principles or qualities or forces that are an expression of duality, similar to good and evil but not the same as good and evil.

Ultimately though the solar and lunar forces merge together to form one in the Absolute or in the Being itself. The Being is neither lunar nor solar He or It is the integration of both of them just as is the Absolute.

This brings us to an interesting point here and it is that we need both of these forces in creation and within ourselves. The Being is made up of the very thing that is produced when these two forces clash or shock against each other, so He is born of both of them and he is above both of them, He is the fire and the light that is produced when these two forces collide.


The topic of lunar and solar is a difficult one and to surpass the confusion we need to delve deeply into what is lunar and what is solar and what is beyond them. Knowing the characteristics of each force, is also something that helps as we will see in subsequent posts, to deepen our understanding of lunar and solar.

As a conclusion though, the best is to see lunar and solar not as objects or as planetary bodies or as man and woman or as good and bad but as cosmic forces or principles. They are indeed cosmic forces with a real presence and place in the cosmos and they are needed in the cosmos and within us.

End (28).