Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Lunar and Solar – an Introduction (28)


I would like in a series of posts to address the meaning of the terms Lunar and Solar. These two terms appear very often in one’s studies of esotericism and Gnosis, and in fact looking at these terms from a deeper or more profound perspective we find them at the foundation of any esoteric doctrine.

As a Gnostic student without conducting an investigation into the meaning of these two terms, one’s understanding can remain superficial and because of this superficial understanding one easily at times gets confused or blank minded when these terms lunar and solar are mentioned in relation to the ego, humanity, human psychology, human beings, cosmic forces etc. etc.

Superficial Understanding

We typically think that lunar is related to the moon and solar is related to the sun. In esotericism and especially in Gnosis that is true, but only to a certain extent. Sometimes we can understand the terms lunar and solar when they are mentioned in any esoteric or Gnostic text by remembering some the characteristics of the moon and the sun, but sometimes remembering the sun and the moon just doesn’t help.

Another superficial understanding that we can develop especially in Gnosis, is that Lunar equals bad and solar equals good. This comes about because we know that the essence which is freedom from pain and suffering is solar and the ego which is the cause of so much of our pain and suffering is lunar.

Another superficial understanding is to say that solar is masculine and lunar is feminine or that lunar and solar are the ying and the yang, and even though this is true there is still much more to it.

Another superficial understanding is to say that lunar is silver and solar is gold, and even though this is true there is still much more to understand. This understanding was portrayed prolifically amongst the plaques and writings of the medieval Alchemists.

A Better Understanding

A better or deeper understanding of lunar and solar, is to understand lunar and solar as principles or qualities or forces that are an expression of duality, similar to good and evil but not the same as good and evil.

Ultimately though the solar and lunar forces merge together to form one in the Absolute or in the Being itself. The Being is neither lunar nor solar He or It is the integration of both of them just as is the Absolute.

This brings us to an interesting point here and it is that we need both of these forces in creation and within ourselves. The Being is made up of the very thing that is produced when these two forces clash or shock against each other, so He is born of both of them and he is above both of them, He is the fire and the light that is produced when these two forces collide.


The topic of lunar and solar is a difficult one and to surpass the confusion we need to delve deeply into what is lunar and what is solar and what is beyond them. Knowing the characteristics of each force, is also something that helps as we will see in subsequent posts, to deepen our understanding of lunar and solar.

As a conclusion though, the best is to see lunar and solar not as objects or as planetary bodies or as man and woman or as good and bad but as cosmic forces or principles. They are indeed cosmic forces with a real presence and place in the cosmos and they are needed in the cosmos and within us.

End (28).

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