Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Why the Moon Influences Earth’s Waters – From Rodney Collins (27)


From the previous posts we have laid down that the Moon has a very special characteristic of influencing the waters of the Earth. This post gives essentially an introduction as to why the Moon fundamentally influences the waters of the Earth. Further posts will deal much more with this topic as well. This post considers such things from an esoteric point of view rather than from the conventional scientific point of view.

The Sun

The sun is said to control or exert it influence over the matter in its electronic state or radiating state. This in other words stating that the sun controls matter in the electronic world, remembering that there are four worlds, the mineral (rocks and the inferior regions), cellular (physical world – Earth etc.) the molecular (middle superior regions) and the electronic (higher superior regions).

This makes sense because in esotericism the Sun is the essential and central spiritual force just as the sun is in any solar system.

The Earth

The Earth owing to its gravitational force essentially controls solid matter, minerals and all physical living creatures, meaning the Earth influences the mineral and cellular worlds, as it logically would, because the matter of the Earth is essentially a product of the Earth.

The Planets

The planets are said to control or exert their influence over matter in its molecular or gaseous state. This corresponds to the molecular world, saying that the planets are the major influence of matter in the molecular world.

The Moon

The only state left uncontrolled so far in our explanation is the liquid state of matter. So we have the Earth controlling matter in the solid state and the planets controlling matter in the gaseous state and as liquids are in between, a planet in between the Earth and the other planets would be the one that would fit into this pattern. The Moon fits perfectly as it, in relation to the Earth is a satellite yet it is almost a planet too so it is in between the Earth and the Planets just as the liquid state is in between the solid and the gaseous states.


The four worlds: mineral, cellular, molecular and electronic are controlled by the Earth, the planets and the Sun and the in between world the liquid world is controlled by the Moon.

End (27).

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