Sunday, 7 February 2016

Moon Origin (64)


In the next series of five posts or so I plan to present the various leading theories to explain how the Moon came to be.

This post though is only an introduction to the current status of the Moon origin theories.

The following excerpt outlining the current status of the Moon origin theories comes from the book “Modern Mysteries of the Moon” by Vincent S. Foster.


“Scientists have offered several major theories to account for the origin of the Moon. All have drawbacks, but the favored theory that emerged from the Apollo missions was the Giant Impact Hypothesis (sometimes called the Big Splat ). This states that our Moon was created by a collision between Earth and a Mars-sized object some 4.5 billion years ago.

There are a number of variations and alternatives, including captured body, fission, formed together (condensation theory), planetesimal collisions (formed from asteroid-like bodies), and collision theories. All of the theories have been challenged, and none satisfy all questions.

NASA scientist Dr. Robin Brett sums it up best: “It seems much easier to explain the nonexistence of the Moon than its existence.””


There you have it, a valid theory explaining the origin of the Moon has not been settled upon yet, leaving the Moon’s presence still an unsolved mystery.

To esotericism though the origin of the Moon is very definite, and still to me this seems to be much more viable. That of which the Moon actually predates the Earth.

End (64).

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