Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Moon is Distancing itself from the Earth (55)


From careful scientific measurements it is evident that the moon is in fact receding or distancing itself from the Earth. It has been measured that the moon recedes 3.7cm every year from the Earth.

In the Past

In the past the moon orbited the Earth a lot closer and spun a lot faster. Over time energy has been transferred from the Earth to the moon, which has caused the spin rate of the Earth to decline and the moon to orbit the Earth faster. The result of the moon orbiting the Earth at a faster rate is this distancing.


Eventually the recession will be such that a total solar eclipse will not be possible and eventually the moon may even escape the Earth. This though will take millions of years.

End (55).

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Moon in Alchemy (54)

Sun and the Moon

The Sun and the Moon represent the Sulphur and the Mercury in Alchemy. These two essential ingredients in Alchemy, are responsible for creation.

In the macrocosm these two elements the mercury and the sulphur are represented by the Moon and the Sun. They have also been represented by many other symbols as well, such as Apollo and Diana or an eagle and a serpent.

Moon the Mercury

Within the human being the Alchemists say that these two elements also exist, with the Moon or the Mercury being the sexual or seminal waters of the human being.

The Moon in Alchemy may also represent the woman and the feminine sexual force.

An Excerpt

Here is an excerpt from the Mutus Liber Speaks by Oscar Uzcategui which gives a little more perspective of the Moon in Alchemy.

“Matter of the alchemists sometimes called Venus or Saturn's daughter. This means several things. The Moon symbolizes the transition of the waters from their black colour to white. It is called Saturn's daughter in virtue of the fact that it is not possible to give the waters their white colour if we do not refine the sexual act and destroy lust during it (the sexual act).”


The Moon in Alchemy is the Mercury or the seminal waters of the human being. The Moon in the macro cosmos as we well know has much to do with water and fertility, conception, birth etc.

End (54).

Monday, 14 September 2015

All the Moons Only Show One Face (53)


I always thought that the Earth Moon (Selene) was the only one in our Solar System that rotated and orbited the Earth in such a way that from Earth only one side of it was visible.

However, I recently learnt that all the Moons in our Solar System have this same characteristic. So in particular all the Moons of Jupiter some of which are: Metis, Leda, Europa, Io etc.


This is indeed very interesting, this means that this characteristic of only showing one face to the planet that a moon or satellite orbits is universal and belongs to the Universal Lunar nature.


This fact confirms the universality of Lunar nature in the Cosmos outside of ourselves and within our own nature, particularly in our psychological nature. This is because, in previous posts on this blog, we established that our psychology is indeed Lunar in nature, where we definitely see only one side, leaving another side very much unknown and invisible to us.

End (53).

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

No Seasons on the Moon (52)

Almost No Tilt in the Moon’s Spin Axis

The Moon unlike the Earth has no seasons. This is because the axis of the Moon's rotation is almost vertical. Or in other words the tilt of the moon is almost 0° or almost perpendicular to its ecliptic. In fact it is actually, 1° 32' or about 1.5° to its ecliptic, but 6.68 to its orbit around the Earth. The Earth on the other hand has a tilt in its spin axis of about 24° or 23.4°.

Permanent Shade

Because the Moon does not have a tilted spin axis (i.e. it is near vertical) there are areas on the moon that are in permanent shade. That is, those areas have never received sunlight. These areas are mostly at the poles and some exist as far away from the poles as 58° latitude.

It is also said that if there was a high peak at the poles of the Moon those peaks would be constantly lit by the sun. Someone on these peaks would constantly see the sun on the horizon.


This could be a very interesting point for science. By studying the areas that are in constant shade there could be certain rocks that are more preserved than artefacts in areas that have been exposed to the sun.

The seasons are very important when it comes to supporting life. The seasons allow for natural life cycles. Having no seasons is also another confirmation of the Moon’s lack of life. Perhaps if the Moon did have life in the past it’s axis could have been tilted and so this means that if the Moon did go from the transition of having life to not having life, it must have altered the tilt in its spin axis.

End (52).

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Regent of our Psychological Moon (51)

Introduction – Psychological Moon

We all know from our study of Gnosis that we can create a psychological Moon. The creation of the psychological Moon is really the first creation of our interior universe or interior Genesis. The psychological Moon is in other words the first work we perform in our self-realization, and our self-realization is the work of the creation of our interior universe. The psychological Moon is the permanent centre of gravity, where we have within us, the tendency to work on ourselves and to see life through the work on ourselves as the dominant tendency. That is within us we are more interested in the work than anything else. All other things come second.

Gabriel Regent of the Moon

We also know that Gabriel is the regent of the Moon, our Earth’s satellite, and following the Hermetic axiom “as above so below” we must also have within us a regent of our psychological Moon when we create it.

So our interior Gabriel, a part of our Being is the regent of our psychological Moon. See this excerpt from the Pistis Sophia Unveiled where Master Samael talks about the inner Gabriel.

“GABRIEL, as a Regent of the Moon, is one of the Planetary Genii.

The Intimate GABRIEL is something distinct, is one of the autonomous and conscious parts of our own Being.

The Intimate GABRIEL governs our own psychological Moon.

The psychological Moon also has two faces, the visible and the hidden.

All of our psychological defects, visible to the simple sight, are in the visible part of the psychological Moon.

The secret defects are found in the hidden part of our own psychological Moon.

It is obvious that defects, psychic aggregates and perversities that we do not even remotely suspect exist in the hidden part of our own psychological Moon.

MICHAEL in the Sun is an ineffable Archangel, but the MICHAEL within ourselves is different. Michael is an independent and conscious part of our own Being.

Our readers must not forget the forty-nine fires.

The forty-nine fires are, obviously, the forty-nine independent and conscious parts of our own Being.
MICHAEL and GABRIEL, which means, the SUN and the MOON, the SULPHUR and the MERCURY, serve the Alchemist in order to perform the Great Work.”


In conclusion this post was just to make us aware that we have a Moon within us and there is a part of our Being, our inner Gabriel that comes to take up his function of regent of the psychological Moon within one we create it for Him.

End (51).

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Why the Moon Sometimes Looks Huge (50)


Sometimes 9 have been very surprised looking at the Moon. Sometimes it seems much larger than normal and more yellow or brown in colour. 9 always wondered why this is until 9 did some reading.

An Optical Illusion

So it turns out that this is an optical illusion. The key observation here is that the moon always, looks larger than normal when it is seen close to the horizon, and this typically occurs at twilight or a little after.

Moon Always the Same Size

The Moon is actually the same size but because it is close to the horizon, it appears alongside trees, houses, buildings, signs etc. When our eyes make a comparison between the moon and the trees, the Moon appears to be much larger than normal.

Yellowy Brown Colour

The reason why the Moon near the horizon is yellow or brown in colour, especially if it is a full moon, is because the light it is reflecting from the Sun is the typical very yellow, reddish brown light seen during sunset.

Moon Rises High Apparent it Shrinks

When the Moon rises higher into the sky it appears smaller and this is because there is nothing in the sky that we can visually compare It too. The Moon doesn't come closer or grow then shrink, it stays the same size always, it is just the way we see it, it seems bigger due to comparison or better said it is seen larger in relation to the other objects on the horizon.


There you have it an optical illusion. Makes sense, the Moon can’t just swell and then shrink back down again like a blowfish.

End (50).

Basic Motion of the Moon (49)


The aim of this post is to describe very simply the basic details of the Moon’s motion around the Earth.

Elliptical Path and Near Side

The moon moves in an elliptical path around the Earth, completing its orbit every 29 Earth days. This coincidently is the same time it takes the Moon to rotate once on its axis. Because of this from the Earth we only ever see one hemisphere or face of the moon. This face or hemisphere is commonly referred to as the near side.

Far Side

The other side, the dark side is permanently hidden from our view here on Earth. We got the first glimpse of the fur or dark side of the Moon in 1959 when the soviet spacecraft Luna 3 managed to photograph it.

Perigee and Apogee

Because the Moon orbits the Earth in an elliptical orbit the distance between the Moon and the Earth varies. There is a time when the distance between the Earth and the Moon reach a maximum and a minimum.

When the Moon is closest to the Earth it is said that the moon is at its perigee, and when the Moon is furthest it is at its apogee.

The perigee is 356410km away from the Earth, and the apogee is 406 697km away. This variation in distance of the Moon from the Earth makes the Moon look smaller and larger in the night sky.


The most interesting thing about eh Moon’s motion around the Earth is that the rotation of the Moon around its axis is synced to its rate of revolution around the Earth, making only one of its sides always visible to us.

End (49).

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Basic Properties of the Moon (48)


The idea of this post is to present some of the very basic properties of the Moon in a way that we can easily relate to, that is by using Earth comparisons. With this basic information about the Moon we can a tiny bit of a feeling of what it would be like to visit the Moon.


The Moon has a radius of about one quarter of the Earth's radius, making it in relation to the planet that it orbits (the Earth), quite large in fact.

Surface Area

In surface area the Moon has 38 million square kilometres, making it in surface area slightly larger than the continent of Africa.


Its atmosphere is almost a perfect vacuum, that is there are no weather phenomena at all, and the sky is always black. You can see the stars during the day but the glare reflecting off the Moon’s surface makes it difficult for the human eye to see them.


At high noon the Moon's surface temperature can rise to above 100°C and it can drop to be as low as -150°C at midnight.

Rotation (Day and Night)

The time the Moon takes to rotate once on its axis is 29 Earth days or 708 hours so a day on the Moon lasts 708 hours and from sunrise to sunset there is about 2 weeks of daylight. That’s one very long day.


The Moon has about 1% of the mass of the Earth and gravity is about one sixth as strong on the moon. So if a person weighs 60kg on Earth that same person would weigh 10kg on the moon.


Mass:                    7.35×1022 kg (1% of the Earth mass)
Radius:                 1738km (27% radius of the Earth)
Surface area:        3.79×107 km (17% area of Earth)
Density:               3340 kg/m3 (3.34g/m3).
Gravity:                                                    1.62m/s2 (17% of Earth)
Average surface temperature:                  102°C day;-153°C night.
Surface temperature in polar areas:        -50°C in the light and -230°C in the shade.

End (48).

Sunday, 28 June 2015

If the Moon Previously had Life (47)


If we were to accept the esoteric point of view that the moon existed before the Earth and had life in abundance just as the Earth has now, then studying the surface of the Moon should reveal areas of where there were oceans, seas, rivers, mountain ranges, volcanoes and plains. Because these features are essential to supporting life, we would not have life on Earth as we know it now without those features.

Presently, the surface of the moon has been studied well and documented just as well. So a study to find the remnants of such features should be relatively easy to carry out.

Moon Surface

When one studies the Moon’s surface there are certainly many ‘mare’, that is great depressions or basins on the surface of the moon, some of which could serve as plains and others as seas or oceans.


There are also many old volcanoes, that support this statement of esotericism, that in a previous cosmic day or Mahamanvantara the moon had life in abundance just as the Earth does now.

End (47).

The Two Ways to Study the Moon (46)


There are really two ways to study the moon. One is to study the moon from the cosmic perspective and the other way is to study the moon from within the human being.

Cosmic Study

The cosmic study of the moon is to study the moon from an astronomical perspective, which is to see the moon as a celestial body

From within the Human Being

The study of the moon from the viewpoint of the human being follows the axiom that the human being (a microcosms) is a universe in miniature. Meaning if there is a moon outside of us there is also a moon within us.

Therefore the study of the moon from the perspective of the human being is a psychological and esoteric study, which is to essentially see the lunar principles and characteristics working in our psychology and in our inner constitution.

Lunar and Solar Principles

The main two principles in the cosmos and in the human being are the lunar and solar principles. For the Earth the two most important celestial bodies and principles are the sun and the moon. As above so below, so as it is for the Earth so it is for the human being.

Middle Ground – Combination of the Two Studies

There is also a middle ground between the two studies, which is studying how human beings have studied the moon and are gaining knowledge of the moon. There is also the study of the moon in how it takes part in our culture. And now to finish, there is also the study of the moon's influence on the human being.

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Earth’s Two Moons in Kabbalah (45)


To my surprise, Kabbalah a system of ancient knowledge - essentially the mystical or esoteric side of Judaism contains knowledge of the Earth having two moons. Kabbalah calls them Nahemah and Lilith or the white and black moon, with Nahemah being the “White Moon” or the moon that we see nearly every night and, Lilith being the “Black Moon” that which we don’t see.

Two Spheres of Human Infra-sexuality

An interesting point here is that the two spheres of human infrasexuality are called in Gnostic circles, Nahemah and Lilith. In some way this makes sense as the Moon has much in esotericism to do with conception and the birth and therefore sex, and as the lunar influence is mechanical and materialistic the Moon governs mechanical sexuality which when driven by the sense and matter tends or gravitates to the inferior scale.

Lilith or Black Moon

Here is an excerpt from the Gnostic Teachings website about the “Black Moon”.

“The moon that shines at night is called Nahemah in Kabbalah, and the other moon is Lilith. The Earth has two moons: Lilith, which is called the "Black Moon," is a little bit further from Earth than Nahemah or the "White Moon." Lilith is very small, about 18 kilometers in diameter; this is why when you see it through a telescope it looks like a small lentil beyond the big moon. Usually astronomers think it is just an asteroid that is passing through, but it is actually the moon Lilith. Kabbalistically we state that Lilith is a fallen eighth infra-sphere. The "eighth sphere" refers to the Tree of Life. What is the ninth sphere? It is Yesod, which is related to the Moon.”

Nahemah or White Moon

Here is an excerpt from the Gnostic Teachings website that relates the White Moon to the eighth and ninth spheres of the tree of life.

“But we also explained that Hod is related to the Moon – not only to the White Moon, but also to the Black Moon Lilith, because it is a fallen eighth sphere, and the eighth sphere is Hod.”

I am going to research this topic more as to how and why the Moon is related to Hod, and I hope to post these findings.

Why in Kabbalah the Earth has to have Two Moons

Here is an excerpt from the Gnostic Teachings web site that explains that basically the two fragments the black and white moons are the parents of the Earth. That essentially the soul of the white and black Moon has been transferred to the Earth and by cause and effect, with the effect being the Earth we have the cause being the two fragments the white and black moons. Essentially the white Moon is the Mother of the Earth and the Father of the Earth is the Sun.

“So, when we examine our physical bodies we say: My physicality was made thanks to the inheritance that was placed in the sperm of my father within the ovum of the womb of my mother; so I also have the inheritance of my mother within my physical body. In other words, my father and my mother are fragments of my physical life. They are not fragments that came from my physical body; quite the opposite, those fragments are the origin of this fragment which is my physical body, my own humanity. So if I go into my past in order to investigate the genes or DNA of my physical body, then I see that my mother and father are the cause of it. That is called karma, cause and effect. Thus, because of karma I have this body and you have the body that you have. Can you understand this? It is not difficult to comprehend that, right?

As below, so above; as above, so below. The planet Earth is also the outcome of fragments from other cosmic days. The Moon is the mother of the Earth. Some personalities, who could not understand the message in the internal planes, mistakenly supposed that the Moon is a fragment of the Earth, which is absolutely wrong. It is like saying that my mother is the outcome of my body; no, my body is the outcome of my mother. So when talking about those fragments, Gurdjieff, in his "Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson," states that the Earth has two fragments in space, which are part of it – yes, they are part of it, but not in the way that he explains it. Quite the opposite, the Earth is the outcome of those fragments, because those fragments or moons belong to previous cosmic days.”


So Kabbalah recognises that the Earth has two Moons and they together are the cause for the Earth. It seems that according to the Law of Cause and Effect we have had to have had a cause, if the effect is our Earth. Kabbalah relates that cause to the Sun and to the Earth’s two moons. As yet though it is not so clear that there had to be two moons, maybe by duality, even the other planets have more than one moon.

End (45).

Friday, 19 June 2015

Origin of the Moon According to Esotericism Post 1 (44)


This is a short post aiming at presenting a view on the origin of the Moon from esotericism. I hope to follow this post up with several more detailed posts.

Currently Science

The current mostly accepted scientific view is that the Moon is a fragment of the Earth, that came to being after a very large object collided with the still forming Earth. Esotericism however sees the origin of the Moon completely differently.

Esoteric View

The common esoteric view is that the Moon predates the Earth. In that the Moon was there before the Earth came to be, and that the Moon has been left over from a previous wave of creation or Cosmic Day (Mahamanvantara) as it is known in esotericism.

Gurdjieff spoke about the origin of the Moon as being the same as the currently accepted scientific view. However Samael Aun Weor and H.P.Blavatsky say that the origin of the Moon is to be found in a previous cosmic day.


Esotericism states that the Moon is simply a shell or a corpse that is devoid of life and is the mother of the Earth. That is the soul or the Moon was given over or transferred from the previous Cosmic day into this cosmic day to form the Earth.

As we have talked about there being two moons, esotericism states that these two moons have given rise to the Earth. So the souls of both of these two moons are now in the Earth.


This post really deserves following up with more explanations of how the Earth came to be from the two moons and what that means for us here and now. Kabbalah has much to say about this. Anyhow for this to be true Science one day has to come to the same conclusion. The current scientific theory or view has not been proven without a doubt so this version has its validity.

End (44).

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Esoteric Qualities of the Moon (43)


This post presents an esoteric view of some of the Moon’s qualities. Please note, esoteric means, that which is not readily seen, and that is goes way beyond the surface. What is Esoteric is certainly not the conventional or common scientific view. However, some of the conventional and scientific views may coincide or be included in the esoteric view.

The following excerpt describes the mechanical and materialistic quality of the Moon on our psyche and on our nature and how this effect can be overcome. This excerpt warns us that the new moon phase is not very good to start new activities.

Excerpt by V.M Samael Aun Weor

“There is a grave problem: the Moon tends towards materialism, all terrestrial mechanicity is controlled by the Moon. All life on Earth, the whole terrestrial mechanism is controlled by the Moon. The whole of that mechanical life which we live is of a lunar type.

The Moon, like the pendular weight of a huge clock, makes the terrestrial mechanism move. The growth of plants, animals, the ovulation of woman, the ebb and flow of the seas, the high and low tides etc., depend upon the Moon. Due to this fact, that life is so mechanical, if one really does want to triumph, one must take advantage of the waxing Moon in one’s activities; and also the full Moon. If the waning Moon is used, we fail.

The new Moon is very difficult, it has no force. If one wants to succeed in some activity or in business dealings one inevitably has to take advantage of the waxing Moon and the full Moon. Never begin a transaction with the waning or new Moon.

In order to control lunar materialism one must appeal to the perfumes of the rose and violet plants. They must be used in order to control materialism because the Moon exercises a materialistic influence upon the human mind. It is to our misfortune that the subjective elements which we have within are controlled by the Moon.”


We can use the perfume of the rose and the violet plants to help us not be too influenced by the materialism of the Moon especially in New and the Full Moon phases. A picture of a violet plant is shown below.

This is because when these phases are active we are either bored or very active and in both states we are prone to delve into materialism, such as consumerism, lust, greed, in general any activity that is external to us.

End (43).

Friday, 12 June 2015

Earth has Two Moons According to Esotericism and Science (42)


It seems rather strange this idea that the Earth has two moons. I was quite surprised when I first came across it in an esoteric work written by Samael Aun Woer, where he says that the Earth has two moons, that is the one that we know well and see part of almost every night, and one that we don’t know well and do not see (mainly because it is so small).

In esotericism this very much smaller and unknown moon is called the ‘black moon’ or Lilith.

What I have done with this post is provide small excerpts from some texts written by Samael Aun Weor and Gurdjieff talking that make mention of the existence of the Earth’s second Moon.

Excerpts by Samael Aun Weor

“On this planet in which we live, the lunar influence is double, because the Earth has two moons. Through the telescopes, the second moon appears black and is the size of a lentil. Occultists have named the black moon Lilith. This second lunar satellite is a kind of eighth submerged sphere. It is a very malignant world.

On Earth, the sinister vibrations that come from the black moon originate many monstrosities, abominations, frightful crimes filled with repugnant savagery, inconceivable lust, homosexuality on a great scale, masturbation, pederasty, provoked abortions, etc.

Among the most abominable products of Lilith, it is opportune to cite the case of Count Dracula in Russia. This movie personage truly existed, and H. P. Blavatsky comments about him in one of her books.”

Excerpts by Gurdjieff

“Of these two fragments, the larger was named ‘Loonderperzo’ and the smaller ‘Anulios’; and the ordinary three-brained beings who afterwards arose and were formed on this planet also at first called them by these names; but the beings of later times called them differently at different periods, and in most recent times the larger fragment has come to be called Moon, but the name of the smaller has been gradually forgotten.

As for the beings there now, not only have they no name at all for this smaller fragment, but they do not even suspect its existence.”

It is interesting to notice here that the beings of a continent on that planet called ‘Atlantis,’ which afterwards perished, still knew of this second fragment of their planet and also called it ‘Anulios,’ but the beings of the last period of the same continent, in whom the results of the consequences of the properties of that organ called ‘Kundabuffer’—about which, it now seems, I shall have to explain to you even in great detail—had begun to be crystallized and to become part of their common presences, called it also ‘Kimespai,’ the meaning of which for them was ‘Never-Allowing-One-to-Sleep-in-Peace.’”

According to Science

Science has also discovered a second much smaller moon like object orbiting around the Earth. As early as 1970 this was discovered and was named Toro. This excerpt has been taken from the New York Times in 1970, July.

“It has recently been discovered that the Earth and the moon do not make up an isolated, self-sufficient two-body system, as men have believed for centuries. Rather, they are part of a three-body system whose third member is a tiny “quasi-moon” only a mile or two in diameter. Toro, as this third body has been named, wanders around the sun five times in the time that it takes Earth to make eight circuits. When Toro comes too near earth—9.3 million miles at the closest point—Earth’s gravity tends to change Toro’s curvilinear path so that on its next passage it is further away from Earth; in turn, Earth’s gravity affects this revised path so that on its following pass it is closer to Earth.”

In 1997 another object, more like an asteroid which has been called Cruithne has been found to travel in a quasi-orbit around the Earth. This excerpt was taken from the Discover Magazine website.

“What you might not know is that the moon is not the Earth’s only natural satellite. As recently as 1997, we discovered that another body, 3753 Cruithne, is what’s called a quasi-orbital satellite of Earth. This simply means that Cruithne doesn’t loop around the Earth in a nice ellipse in the same way as the moon, or indeed the artificial satellites we loft into orbit. Instead, Cruithne scuttles around the inner solar system in what’s called a “horseshoe” orbit.”


What is interesting is that there is evidence traditionally, esoterically and scientifically that the Earth does have a second moon. What is more interesting though is what Samael Aun Weor says about this second Moon, in that it is very dark and emits some very strong and dark vibrations.

In the following posts I will include some texts about how the presence of a second Moon is interwoven into Kabbalah and into the esoteric history of the origin of the human being.

End (42).

Monday, 20 April 2015

The Moon, Earth and Sun Relationship (41)


The Moon, the Earth and the Sun are all related. A relationship amongst the three exists. It is true though that the Moon is more related to the Earth than to the Sun, that is, the Moon affects the Earth more than it affects the Sun.

The Earth and Sun Relationship

If the Moon were not present the Earth would have a more direct relationship to the Sun. There would not be for instance, the effects of the Solar eclipse on the Earth and the effect of the Moon phases on the Earth.

Solar Eclipse

The Moon actually interferes or affects the relationship that the Earth has with the Sun, that is from time to time the Moon blocks the Sun from preventing the Earth from receiving the Sun’s rays for a short time. This is called a Solar Eclipse.

The Sun irradiates both the Moon and the Earth equally but because the Earth has life and water the Sun’s energy is used differently by the Earth than to the way it is used by the Moon.

Moon Phases

Because of the Sun-Moon relationship seen from the Earth’s point of view there is the phenomenon of the waxing to full and the waning new Moon. As previous posts have showed this cycle of the Moon has its effects on life here on Earth.

The Moon and Sun Relationship

The Earth in turn interferes in the Moon’s relationship to the Sun as well, where the Earth blocks the Sun, preventing the Moon from receiving the Sun’s rays for a short time.

Lunar Eclipse

During some periods of a full moon, there are special moments when the Sun, the Earth and the Moon all line up in a straight line, with the Earth in between the Sun and the Moon. Naturally the Earth will cast a shadow and naturally if all three heavenly bodies are aligned the Moon will be stuck for a short time in the shadow of the Earth, thus having the Sun’s radiation blocked off from reaching it. This is called a Lunar Eclipse and it is a situation where the Earth interferes in the radiation receiving relationship between the Sun and the Moon.


Basically because the particular nature of the Earth-Moon relationship both Moon affects the Earth-Sun relationship and the Earth affects the Sun-Moon relationship. However, the interference of the Moon in the Sun-Earth relationship has more impact that the interference of eh Earth in the Sun-Moon relationship. The following posts will explain why this is.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Lunar Effect on Animal Subconscious (40)


The SSRF (Spiritual Science Research Foundation) also states that the Moon’s vibrations or emissions affect the human mind as well as the mind of animals. I wasn’t quite sure that animals have a mind, however perhaps they do as they certainly have a brain and they certainly have memory. Many experiments have shown that animals also have a certain level of intelligence.

So if we accept that animals something of a mind then if the Moon affects the human mind it must also affect the minds of animals. This is quite plausible as animals during the times of a full Moon exhibit an agitated type of behaviour that is beyond their norm.

Summary of SSRF Moon Vibrations Effect on the Human Mind

The previous post (39) described the Moon as having the effect of making the subconscious in the human being more active, where the thoughts from the subconscious enter the conscious mind with much more ease, frequency and intensity. Basically whatever we have in our subconscious gets amplified and has a greater tendency to come out around the and during the time of a full moon.

Animal Subconscious

The SSRF says that the Moon’s vibrations affect the minds of animals in the same way as it does human beings. Animals only really have basic survival desires in their subconscious. They do not have all these other things such as conversations, movies, news, books, games, internet, etc. in their subconscious. They have the basics such as food, rest, safety and reproduction.

Moon Vibration Effect on Animals

Therefore the effect of the Moon on animals is to make these basic desires much more active in them and therefore they are more active trying to fulfil these desires, which could imply fighting and to defend themselves from other animals who are trying to fulfil their desires and attacking others to fulfil their own desires.


So then, the Moon’s frequencies affect human beings and animals alike. This from the esoteric point of view also makes a lot of sense. Perhaps in another post I will explain more about this. Well even to science as well, because there are branches of science that treat or consider the human being to be an animal, the terms ‘human ape’ or the ‘human animal’ have been used with popularity.

End (40).

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Lunar Influence on the Human Subconscious (39)


This post comes from a web site article written by the SSRF that is the Spiritual Science Research Foundation. This foundation has many interesting articles on their website, all about the scientific investigation into various spiritual, mystical and metaphysical topics.

Summary of SSRF Investigation Results

In short, according to the SSRF the Moon does affect human behaviour, they say that the Moon has an effect on us both physically and subtlety, that is in or on our psychology.

Moon’s Vibrations

The SSRF says that the vibrations or frequencies of the Moon are of such a quality that they activate the impressions in the subconscious of human beings and animals.

The SSRF says that all planets and stars vibrate and therefore emit a certain very particular type of radiation. It so happens that the emissions of the Moon affect the subconscious part of our mind rather than the conscious part.

Effect of the Moon Emissions or Vibrations

The SSRF states that the impressions in the subconscious are agitated or energized by the emissions of the Moon. The emissions of the moon are of such a frequency that resonance occurs between these Moon emissions and the impressions in our subconscious.

This resonance effect makes the subconscious in the human beings and animals more active and so the impressions, memories, desires etc. in the subconscious begin to surface and enter the conscious mind we are bothered by these thoughts are impelled to act upon them, and as there are strange things in our subconscious, acting on those things means that we do crazy things, accounting for the crazy things that happen on a full moon night where the Moon’s emissions are the most intense because they are amplified by the energy of the Sun being reflected off the Moon heading towards us here on the Earth.


Therefore the effect of the Moon according to the SSRF is to make the subconscious of the human being more active. This effect is also said because the radiation coming from the moon is of higher intensity to be greater at or during the times of a full moon.

End (39).

Friday, 27 March 2015

Why Full Moon Effect Studies Today Fail (38)


Now days it is really hard to find scientific studies that conclude that the Moon has a definite effect on human behaviour. However in the past many studies did show the Moon to affect human behaviour. It was well known back then how the Moon would affect human behaviour. It was a widely accepted phenomenon. So the question arises why now days do all these studies show up nothing conclusive.

Reason Why

The reason why is that now days humanity is more degenerated and the overall or background level of human behaviour has gotten worse or stranger.

Meaning that he Moon’s effect is drowned out by the already high level of human degeneration. Back in the times where the moon effect studies were conclusive humanity was not as degenerated as it is now and so the effects on human behaviour would easily stand out during times of a full or new Moon.


Because everyone now days is more or less a little strange the effect of the Moon does not go noticed or only slightly noticed but not enough to make it conclusive.

End (38).

Moon and Human Mechanicity – From Rodney Collins (37)


I find the information that I am going to include in this post really extraordinary. It has for me anyway, helped to understand the effect of the moon on the human being and under what precise conditions this effect reaches its maximum. Hope you find the information in this post as interesting and impactful as I have found it.

Moon as the Cause of Mechanical Movement

Recapping from the previous post, the Moon influences liquids, including the liquids or fluids inside the human body and outside the human body. The Moon does not influence solids, minerals, gases or electricity, but it certainly influences liquids.

The Moon draws the liquids in our body towards it and the Earth draws those liquids down towards it, so at some point the liquids, being drawn down and up at the same time reach a stand still where those two forces cancel out leaving the fluids suspended. Because of this stand still effect on our liquids especially the lymph liquids, the human being has to move to get the lymph fluids to circulate through the lymphatic system in the body.

Therefore if we do not move physically and intentionally, we are impelled to move our body unintentionally that is automatically, in an unconscious and mechanical way. Therefore the Moon is the cause of our mechanical involuntary and unaware movements and can only really reach us when we are not conscious of what we are doing. The lunar influence strives in our not knowing and in our lack of conscious attention and self-observation. The Moon rules over the mechanicity and involuntary movements in the human being. 

Moon and Habits

We all create habits which are something that we have learnt or performed in the beginning for a good or bad reason. Later though the impulses to move go into the habits or patterns that we have previously created.

Habit is a large part of our life and so as the Moon is the one that produces the need for us to move involuntarily the Moon is behind the strength of many of our habits. Once again the Moon is there controlling our mechanical actions.

Habits form our Life and Chief Characteristics

Habits over time creep into our life and spread through it creating certain very identifying characteristics. Our chief weakness and our weaknesses in general are certainly habits.

Chief weakness is built on habit and habit is strengthened by involuntary action and involuntary action is built on pointless movement. This is all caused by the effect of the Moon on liquid matter.
Below is a section of text from Rodney Collins’ book “The Theory of Celestial Influence” where he gives an example of how a habit can become a chief weakness.

“A characteristic habit, gradually spreading into all sides of a man's life, in time becomes his chief weakness. For instance, a man has on the one hand a tendency to be shy, and on the other a tendency to be meticulous in the performance of small tasks. While still a boy he acquires the habit of wanting to finish what he is doing rather than meet other people. Gradually, it begins to seem right and inevitable to him to complete even the most trivial task before fulfilling an engagement. Later still, if there is no task to delay his meeting people, he invents one. And so in the end it happens that — quite literally - he never keeps an engagement.

Such a chief weakness may spoil a man's life, get him into endless trouble, prevent him from accomplishing everything that he attempts. And the curious thing is that to the man himself the weakness may remain quite unknown and invisible. For to him each instance will seem separate and inevitable, and it will never occur to him that he could act in any other way.
Chief weakness is thus built on habit, habit on involuntary action, and involuntary action on pointless movement. And the primary cause of this whole sequence is the apparently innocent influence of the Moon upon liquid matter. It is for this reason that the path of conscious development is sometimes described as 'escape from the power of the Moon'.”

Escape from the Power of the Moon

When we attempt to become conscious we will at some point become conscious of all of our involuntary actions and habits and general mechanicity, whose cause is produced in us by the Moon. Therefore to escape or free ourselves from our mechanicity we end up starting to escape from the power of the Moon over us. Because it is the Moon that is a large contributor to our mechanicity and so that is why it is said that when we try to awaken or that is become more conscious it is said that we are trying to escape from the power of the Moon.

Lunar Influence Will Always be there where there are Liquids

As long as we are liquid we will move impelled by the Moon. If we were all solid or all energy we would be free from the influence of the Moon. We can not change our liquid nature though we can change our centre of gravity so that we are more based I our aerial, solid and etheric levels, which do not function based on liquids.

Change our Centre of Gravity

One way to escape the influence of the Moon is to base our centre of gravity in our consciousness and in the heart, because concentrating on these two elements which are not liquid but electric in nature take us away from the effects of the Moon.


The Greek legend said the Endymion (humanity) was put to sleep by the Luna or Selene (the Moon) but Pan was totally in love with her . That is nature, the animals, plants and minerals are all under Her (the Mon’s) influence and control exerting them to move involuntarily. However humanity is under her control with Her the Moon inducing in us all sorts of mechanicity, however if the human being decides to wake up, that is to become conscious that human being will stop being controlled by the Moon and will then not be Hers, i.e. free of Her. Image below is of the Goddess Luna.

The Legend states that Luna or Selene was in love with Endymion but not the other way around. This means that the Moon has grasped us, because liquids are part of our nature, we were created that way, and we have not grasped the Moon. To keep us the Moon has put us to sleep, i.e. induced in us a certain mechanical nature.

End (37).