Sunday, 28 June 2015

If the Moon Previously had Life (47)


If we were to accept the esoteric point of view that the moon existed before the Earth and had life in abundance just as the Earth has now, then studying the surface of the Moon should reveal areas of where there were oceans, seas, rivers, mountain ranges, volcanoes and plains. Because these features are essential to supporting life, we would not have life on Earth as we know it now without those features.

Presently, the surface of the moon has been studied well and documented just as well. So a study to find the remnants of such features should be relatively easy to carry out.

Moon Surface

When one studies the Moon’s surface there are certainly many ‘mare’, that is great depressions or basins on the surface of the moon, some of which could serve as plains and others as seas or oceans.


There are also many old volcanoes, that support this statement of esotericism, that in a previous cosmic day or Mahamanvantara the moon had life in abundance just as the Earth does now.

End (47).

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