Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Esoteric Qualities of the Moon (43)


This post presents an esoteric view of some of the Moon’s qualities. Please note, esoteric means, that which is not readily seen, and that is goes way beyond the surface. What is Esoteric is certainly not the conventional or common scientific view. However, some of the conventional and scientific views may coincide or be included in the esoteric view.

The following excerpt describes the mechanical and materialistic quality of the Moon on our psyche and on our nature and how this effect can be overcome. This excerpt warns us that the new moon phase is not very good to start new activities.

Excerpt by V.M Samael Aun Weor

“There is a grave problem: the Moon tends towards materialism, all terrestrial mechanicity is controlled by the Moon. All life on Earth, the whole terrestrial mechanism is controlled by the Moon. The whole of that mechanical life which we live is of a lunar type.

The Moon, like the pendular weight of a huge clock, makes the terrestrial mechanism move. The growth of plants, animals, the ovulation of woman, the ebb and flow of the seas, the high and low tides etc., depend upon the Moon. Due to this fact, that life is so mechanical, if one really does want to triumph, one must take advantage of the waxing Moon in one’s activities; and also the full Moon. If the waning Moon is used, we fail.

The new Moon is very difficult, it has no force. If one wants to succeed in some activity or in business dealings one inevitably has to take advantage of the waxing Moon and the full Moon. Never begin a transaction with the waning or new Moon.

In order to control lunar materialism one must appeal to the perfumes of the rose and violet plants. They must be used in order to control materialism because the Moon exercises a materialistic influence upon the human mind. It is to our misfortune that the subjective elements which we have within are controlled by the Moon.”


We can use the perfume of the rose and the violet plants to help us not be too influenced by the materialism of the Moon especially in New and the Full Moon phases. A picture of a violet plant is shown below.

This is because when these phases are active we are either bored or very active and in both states we are prone to delve into materialism, such as consumerism, lust, greed, in general any activity that is external to us.

End (43).

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