Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Role of the Moon Part II – From Rodney Collins (26)


This post carries on from the previous one. What is essential to take from the previous post (25) is that the Moon has its effect on water or on the liquids of the Earth giving them some freedom, and with this freedom the ability to move.

All of Life is Moist

“All of life is moist” that is quite true, Rodney Collins states that all of life is moist, and therefore what can influence water can also influence life. Rodney makes a certain distinction saying that there are degrees in the effect of the Moon on the various forms of life according to their moisture content.

He states that the life forms that have a higher moisture content are more noticeably affected by the Moon. He gives the examples of how land crabs, palolo worms, oysters, scallops and sea-urchins have sexual rhythms that follow the phase of the Moon. Even vegetables like melons, marrows and Sargasso-seaweed reach their maximum moisture content at the time of the full moon.

The Sun Endows Life, the Planets Form and the Moon Motion

Rodney Collins states that “The world of nature, engendered by the Sun, built of the Earth, and clothed with form by the planets, is endowed with motion by the Moon.”. This tends to make a lot of sense as certainly our flesh and bones come from the Earth, our life certainly fed by the Sun and comes from the stars and as we are to a large percentage water and already noting that the Moon gives water the freedom to move, our movement function is given to us by the Moon.

A post in the near future will cover in more detail how the Moon influences our movements.

Moon's Place in the Hierarchy of Planetary Influences

I could never understand why Gabriel the regent of the Moon in esotericism was regarded so highly, especially when the Moon was meant to be a lifeless planet and all the other Cosmocrators (Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Michael, Samael, Zachariel and Orifiel) or archangels are regents of planets that are alive.

It now makes sense because the Moon does indeed have a very real influence on the Earth and so from a Earth dwellers point of view it makes sense that the Moon be regarded as one of the planets that has its place in the Hierarchy of planets that influence life on Earth.


So wherever there is liquid there is lunar motion, so in summary the role of the Moon is to give life on Earth the ability to move. And by virtue of this it is like a pendulum controlling via cycles the movement of life on Earth.

End (26).

Friday, 17 October 2014

Role of the Moon Part I – From Rodney Collins (25)


This is quite a complex post actually so to make it easier to read I have divided it into three parts. This, the first part will introduce the idea of the Moon as playing the role of a counter or balance weight.

The Moon as a Counter Weight

Rodney Collins in his book “Theory of Celestial Influence” puts forward that the moon acts a balance or a counter weight for the Earth. 

He says that the Moon balances and smooths the effect of the Sun’s energy on the Earth. However he goes on to talk more about how the Moon really acts as a counter weight by acting on the waters of the Earth.

In the above diagram, the Counterweight is the Moon and the Load is the liquids of the Earth. The Pivot point is the Earth's surface or the body containing the liquid.

The Moon as a Counter Weight For Liquids

Rodney Collins says that the liquids of the Earth would be sucked flat to the Earth’s surface if it wasn’t for the effect of the Moon. It is very evident and well known to science that the effect of the Moon’s gravitational pull is to attract the liquids of the Earth towards it.

So then the Moon acts as a counter weight for the Earth’s liquids (and also life) to gravitational force of the Earth. In effect the Moon’s gravitational pull gives the liquids of the Earth some freedom and with that freedom the ability to move.


So in effect Rodney Collins says, the Moon controls the movement of liquids on the Earth and is related to motion and movement. As most of the Earth’s creatures are full of liquid then the Moon controls to some degree their ability to move.

Subsequent posts will talk about the effect of the Moon on the liquids inside the human being and how the Moon influences the movement of the human being.

End (25).

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Responsibility to the Moon – From Rodney Collins (24)

Earth Moon Relationship

Observing all the planets and their moons in our solar system we see that the Earth and the Moon have a unique relationship.

What makes the Earth-Moon relationship unique is that the Earth only has one moon and that the Moon’s size compared to the Earth, i.e. the satellite to parent ratio is very high. So high that if we were to take the Sun and add up all the planets and moons in the solar system the comparison would not be as high as it is between the Moon and the Earth.

Putting Numbers to it

The total mass of all the planets in the solar system is one 800th of the Sun’s mass, however the mass of the Moon is one 80th of that of the Earth. Meaning the Earth is carrying ten times more weight than the Sun. In effect the Earth is much more burdened or weighed down than the Sun, indicating to us that the Earth’s physical circumstances are very constraining and limiting and that is karma.

A Huge Responsibility or Burden

In light of this the Earth is really taking on a large responsibility when it comes to the weight of the Moon. The Earth in fact supports the Moon at a very far distance making it more taxing for the Earth.

Putting Numbers to it

The distance the Moon is from the Earth is 30 times the diameter of the Earth, and it happens that only Saturn supports a moon (Japet) at this distance, however the size of Japet is much smaller than that of the Moon.


From this analysis of the physical relationship between the Earth and the Moon we can conclude that the Earth is the most burdened planet in the Solar System. Meaning we can say that is the most constrained and lacks the freedom that the other planets have.

End (24).