Friday, 12 June 2015

Earth has Two Moons According to Esotericism and Science (42)


It seems rather strange this idea that the Earth has two moons. I was quite surprised when I first came across it in an esoteric work written by Samael Aun Woer, where he says that the Earth has two moons, that is the one that we know well and see part of almost every night, and one that we don’t know well and do not see (mainly because it is so small).

In esotericism this very much smaller and unknown moon is called the ‘black moon’ or Lilith.

What I have done with this post is provide small excerpts from some texts written by Samael Aun Weor and Gurdjieff talking that make mention of the existence of the Earth’s second Moon.

Excerpts by Samael Aun Weor

“On this planet in which we live, the lunar influence is double, because the Earth has two moons. Through the telescopes, the second moon appears black and is the size of a lentil. Occultists have named the black moon Lilith. This second lunar satellite is a kind of eighth submerged sphere. It is a very malignant world.

On Earth, the sinister vibrations that come from the black moon originate many monstrosities, abominations, frightful crimes filled with repugnant savagery, inconceivable lust, homosexuality on a great scale, masturbation, pederasty, provoked abortions, etc.

Among the most abominable products of Lilith, it is opportune to cite the case of Count Dracula in Russia. This movie personage truly existed, and H. P. Blavatsky comments about him in one of her books.”

Excerpts by Gurdjieff

“Of these two fragments, the larger was named ‘Loonderperzo’ and the smaller ‘Anulios’; and the ordinary three-brained beings who afterwards arose and were formed on this planet also at first called them by these names; but the beings of later times called them differently at different periods, and in most recent times the larger fragment has come to be called Moon, but the name of the smaller has been gradually forgotten.

As for the beings there now, not only have they no name at all for this smaller fragment, but they do not even suspect its existence.”

It is interesting to notice here that the beings of a continent on that planet called ‘Atlantis,’ which afterwards perished, still knew of this second fragment of their planet and also called it ‘Anulios,’ but the beings of the last period of the same continent, in whom the results of the consequences of the properties of that organ called ‘Kundabuffer’—about which, it now seems, I shall have to explain to you even in great detail—had begun to be crystallized and to become part of their common presences, called it also ‘Kimespai,’ the meaning of which for them was ‘Never-Allowing-One-to-Sleep-in-Peace.’”

According to Science

Science has also discovered a second much smaller moon like object orbiting around the Earth. As early as 1970 this was discovered and was named Toro. This excerpt has been taken from the New York Times in 1970, July.

“It has recently been discovered that the Earth and the moon do not make up an isolated, self-sufficient two-body system, as men have believed for centuries. Rather, they are part of a three-body system whose third member is a tiny “quasi-moon” only a mile or two in diameter. Toro, as this third body has been named, wanders around the sun five times in the time that it takes Earth to make eight circuits. When Toro comes too near earth—9.3 million miles at the closest point—Earth’s gravity tends to change Toro’s curvilinear path so that on its next passage it is further away from Earth; in turn, Earth’s gravity affects this revised path so that on its following pass it is closer to Earth.”

In 1997 another object, more like an asteroid which has been called Cruithne has been found to travel in a quasi-orbit around the Earth. This excerpt was taken from the Discover Magazine website.

“What you might not know is that the moon is not the Earth’s only natural satellite. As recently as 1997, we discovered that another body, 3753 Cruithne, is what’s called a quasi-orbital satellite of Earth. This simply means that Cruithne doesn’t loop around the Earth in a nice ellipse in the same way as the moon, or indeed the artificial satellites we loft into orbit. Instead, Cruithne scuttles around the inner solar system in what’s called a “horseshoe” orbit.”


What is interesting is that there is evidence traditionally, esoterically and scientifically that the Earth does have a second moon. What is more interesting though is what Samael Aun Weor says about this second Moon, in that it is very dark and emits some very strong and dark vibrations.

In the following posts I will include some texts about how the presence of a second Moon is interwoven into Kabbalah and into the esoteric history of the origin of the human being.

End (42).

1 comment:

  1. The themes in Gurdjieff's Tales on the 'Cause and Genesis of the Moon' are so closely related to the Biblical Genesis that it is clear he is alluding to the differences between Men (Earth), Women (Moon) and the third sex (Anulios). Although the imagery is probably multi-level.
