Thursday 11 September 2014

Lunar Influence – Blood Flow (16)


Following on from the previous posts this post will look at the influence of the Moon on blood flow. It appears from my research that in times of a full moon, blood in animals and human beings flows ever so easily than at all other times.


It has been reported that some surgeons would not operate on the night of a full moon because it was said that blood does not clot as easily and the bleeding from wounds produced by surgery were more difficult to stop.

It has even been said that carrying out operations on days of a full moon has been banned by medical authorities in certain parts of the world.

Because blood flow is more sluggish around the Last Quarter and New Moon periods, these phases are more beneficial to healing following surgery because the possibility of haemorrhaging is much reduced.


It is a common practice among livestock workers that if an animal has to be dehorned, it would be done on any other night than a full moon.

The reason for this is that the wound produced by dehorning a bull for example would bleed excessively, only stopping with much effort on the part of the worker.

Mixture of Opinions

It seems however that there have been some studies done on the effect of the moon and blood flow and some correlation has been found, however in some circles this correlation has been reduced to claiming that the statistical analysis performed was not so conclusive after all.

Some hospitals and surgery boards pay no attention to lunar phases when conducting surgery, while the surgery boards in some countries certainly do. Some traditions such as oriental acupuncture acknowledge that during a full moon chi or qi and blood flow very easily and the muscles are full of blood and are energised, and when the moon begins to wane chi and blood levels in the muscles lower.

Conclusion - Try for Yourself

Well the only way to be sure is to get your own knowledge and experiment by yourself.

End (16).

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