Friday 12 September 2014

Lunar Influence – Tree Sap (17)


Following on from the previous posts this post will look at the influence of the Moon on the raising and falling levels of sap within trees. It became a custom of old that trees to be used in the construction of houses and barns were felled during a new moon, avoiding the full moon.

Sap Levels in Trees and the Moon

It has been known for centuries that the sap in trees rises when it is a full moon and drops when it is a new moon. This ancient observation is well inline what we have come to know about the effect of the Moon, which is that the Moon has a special influence on the waters of the Earth , whether it be on the surface of the Earth or locked within living creatures.

It seems from all accounts that the Moon draws or pulls on the liquids of the Earth attempting to draw them ever so closer to it. This effect of the Moon on the liquids of the Earth reaches it maximum during the full moon and reaches its minimum during new moon.

Hard Wood or Soft Wood

Whether a log of timber turns out be hard or soft in greatly dependent on the level of sap in the tree when it was cut. If there was a lot of sap in the tree’s branches the resulting wood will turn out soft and if there was little sap in the capillaries of the tree the wood will turn out hard.

Had wood for construction is much better and so trees that were going to be used for heavy construction type work were cut on a full moon’s night and day.

Softwood may be used for other purposes but definitely not for construction.


This is another proof or example of the Moon’s influence of the waters of the Earth.

End (17).

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