Tuesday 16 September 2014

Lunar Influence – When does it Peak? (19)


We logically think that the peak of the influence of the moon is on the night of a full moon. In many cases and for many individuals this is certainly true, however this may not hold 100% for other cases and individuals. For example the Moon also exerts an influence during a new Moon and the peak of the Moon’s influence on a person may be felt to be its maximum a day before the full moon.

A Few Days Before or After

The effect of the Moon on us can start a few days before full moon and extend a day or two after the full moon. It makes sense that the full moon’s influence reaches a maximum after a few days momentum however, the effect of the influence could also wear off after a few days as well. That is perhaps why many people feel that intensely strange two or one day before the full moon.

Anyhow the intensity of the influence varies from individual to individual. If you are able to experiment with yourself by carefully observing how you feel three days before a full moon all the way until three days after the full moon. Write down your observation for 7 days and nights. Three days before, on the full moon and three days after equalling seven days.

Varies from Individual to Individual

The conclusion that we came to in the previous point is that the effect of the Moon’s influence depends on each individual. The Moon may well have her favourite human being or type of human being that She affects more acutely than the rest – perhaps those who belong to the Zodiac sign of Cancer?

The effect of the full moon depends on how much fluid there is in the body and how healthy you are. Even the effect varies from individual to individual. Usually the more balanced and stable a person is mentally and emotionally the less the Moon will influence such a person.


The best way to know about the influence of the Moon on human beings is to note how it affects you. Do you feel usually strange in some way a few days before the full moon or on the full moon or a few days after? How does the new moon phase affect you?

In my case I feel quite well on a full moon’s night and quite energetic. Whenever I have travelled on a full moon I have travelled very well. The only bad side is that a few days before a full moon and a few days after the ego of lust in me seems to attack more so than before and has a greater than usual hypnotic force.

End (19).

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